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RIP Kelly Preston : 80年代の人気作「スペースキャンプ」や、トム・クルーズと共演した「ジェリー・マグワイア」などで知られる女優ケリー・プレストンさん、つまり、ジョン・トラボルタの愛妻が、57歳の若さにして死去。



ケリーの訃報を伝える CBS ニュースの速報

ジョンと出会う前年1986年に封切られ、注目を集めた「スペースキャンプ」の予告編 ! !

ケリーがトム・クルーズを圧倒した「ジェリー・マグワイア」(1996年)の名シーン ! !



It is with a very heavy heart that I inform you that my beautiful wife Kelly has lost her two-year battle with breast cancer. She fought a courageous fight with the love and support of so many.  My family and I will forever be grateful to her doctors and nurses at MD Anderson Cancer Center, all the medical centers that have helped, as well as her many friends and loved ones who have been by her side. Kelly’s love and life will always be remembered. I will be taking some time to be there for my children who have lost their mother, so forgive me in advance if you don’t hear from us for a while.  But please know that I will feel your outpouring of love in the weeks and months ahead as we heal. All my love, JT

John Travolta(@johntravolta)がシェアした投稿 -

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