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Movie News & Tidbits for July 1, 2020 : 「テネット」, カリフォルニア知事が、映画館の新型コロナ閉鎖を命令, エロチック・スリラー「フェイタル・アフェア」, エルたんとルーレン, 新型コロナ感染大国の鼻つまみ者, マーベルの「シャンチー」, スパイダーマン, ジェームズ・ガン監督, 信号で隣りに停まったクルマが…, and more … ! !

⭐CIA Movie News とサブドメイン Extra , Flash , Movie Archive , Billy’s Journal 、そして、B 面の日ごとのまとめです!!、トピックを追加した更新は Twitter でお知らせしています!!

☑️Fatal Affair : ニア・ロング主演の Netflix のエロチック・スリラー「フェイタル・アフェア」の予告編‼️ ~ CIA Movie News / Flash

☑️Tenet : 新型コロナ再々々延期の可能性が浮上し、今夏の封切りが見送られるかもしれないクリス監督の「テネット」の新しいポスター ! ! - CIA Extra

☑️Elle Fanning with Lewellen : ダコタ姉ちゃんみたいな名前の愛犬と一緒にお使いのエルたん ! ! - CIA Movie News

☑️マーベルのアジア系ヒーロー映画「シャンチー」が、新型コロナ休止から復活して、撮影を再開する見込みの朗報が伝えられた‼️ | Billy's Journal

☑️You Can Draw Spider-Man : マーベルのアーティスト、ブライアン・クロスビーさんの真似をして、スパイダーマンのマスクをカンタンに描いてみよう‼️ ~ CIA Movie News / Flash

☑️カリフォルニアのギャビン・ニューサム州知事が感染増加の事態を受けて、映画館の新型コロナ閉鎖を新たに命令‼️😔 | Billy's Journal

☑️新型コロナ感染大国のアメリカが世界の鼻つまみ者になったのは、こういう鼻をつまめる奴らが多すぎるからだ💢というアメリカ人の不満の写真‼️ | Billy's Journal


Reposted from @jamesgunn Ok @elizabethbanks I’ll take the challenge. I #wearadamnmask when I’m out in public, because I love my country and it’s good for my life and the lives of others. Contagious disease experts are in unison that masks are vital to getting through this pandemic as quickly as possible. The US is only 4% of the world’s population yet we have 25% of the world’s deaths from coronavirus. There are many reasons for this but one of them is that we were slow to adopt mask-wearing out in public. Do not believe the misinformation out there being spread to the contrary (for instance, masks are not harmful to the wearer unless there’s some very serious underlying health issue you would already know about). Be safe. #Wearamask #❤️ There is a lot of misinformation in the comments below. We are always learning new things about how to combat coronavirus but there are a few things we’ve learned about what helps: 1) Yes, ANY mask helps, cloth or not. Not all masks are created equal - an N95 is better than cloth - and nothing is a sure way to prevent sharing or receiving the disease, but any mask in front of your nose and mouth will help. 2) Masks ARE good to prevent one from receiving Covid as well as spreading it. Again, nothing is certain but most contagious disease scientists have come around to believing a mask cuts down one’s risk of getting Covid (it isn’t perfect). 3) Masks are not dangerous. Unless you have a very specific pre existing condition where you are already quite unhealthy, a mask will not harm you in any way. Any stuff saying otherwise has been linked to one mad doctor, conspiracy web sites, or active attempts to create division among Americans. Don’t fall for it. I’m putting a link in my bio to an article with some of the most recent data. But there are many many more articles out there. Please don’t use your bias to believe what you want to believe! This is NOT a political issue! Even Trump now says masks are good, because he’s realized people need to wear them if he wants the economy to recover. - #regrann

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☑️Today's Photo - July 1, 2020 | Billy's Journal

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